Monday, September 27, 2010

Final bloodwork numbers are in...


So far so good! My first ultrasound is scheduled for Wednesday, October 13th at 9:30 am. Courtney will be able to go and I am crossing everything that a beautiful heartbeat will be at least visible if not audible. I am bringing my camera (which has video, too) with me and am really hoping they will let me use it.

In the meantime I am getting bloodwork done next week for my endocrinologist regarding my thyroid and then I have an appointment with her on October 19th which was already scheduled but happened to work out perfectly because she told me she wants to know the second I find out I was pregnant, which I did...well maybe not the second I found out but soon after. She wanted to ensure my blood sugar was doing ok. I mentioned that I've been having some big spikes after eating and she had me change some settings on my pump, which has helped. At that point I had already cut out heavy carbs from my diet and tried to eat more meat (chicken and turkey...I don't eat red meat or pork) and veggies so that helped, too.

I also have two more pregnancy tests at home to help keep my sanity over the next two weeks.


hollyli said...

I am sooo ridiculously excited for you! Multiples??? You will definitely see a flickering hb! Mwah! Stay healthy and watch those other numbers! Don't want a BIG baby!

Kathi said...

I'm elated for you!

Yo said...

GREAT numbers!!! I'm thinking twins!!! :-) (Acutally, if you visit it will prob tell you that, but my numbers were in twin ranges with Conor...and he was just one BIG baby!) Can't wait for 10/13!!!

jill said...

So happy for you! Hoping that the lack of posts means everything is still going well :)