Monday, February 16, 2009

WARNING! Not for pregnant women.


Rub it in, why don't ya?

I went to the doctor's on Friday. It was supposed to be a follow-up appointment to make sure everything was ok. I was supposed to hear a heartbeat. I was supposed to leave feeling relieved. Instead I left broken hearted and empty.

I did get another ultrasound. But, instead of seeing a beautiful little blob all I saw was some leftover tissue. They don't usually let you take home a picture of that.

My doctor prescribed me a drug called, Cytotec. It was designed to prevent ulcers but apparently it also makes your uterus contract as well. I was told to take two pills every eight hours for a total of six pills. My bleeding, which had slowed a little as of Friday, would get a little heavier and then taper off. And so it did. As of now it looks like it's almost done. Hopefully I'll be back to normal (hmmmm....define normal?) in a few days.

Anyway, after I filled the prescription and got it home I read the info on it. Interesting read, I must say. Not only is it used to prevent ulcers, but it can be used to terminate a pregnancy before the eighth week as well. That's two, two, two pills in one! I've heard of the abortion pill before but never in my life did I ever think I'd have to take it.

It's funny. When I was pregnant, time went by so slow. Now, it flies by. This past week went by so fast. I can't believe that this time last Monday I was in a self-induced sugar/pity coma. And here I am today. Feeling better but still using feeling bad as an excuse for eating stuff I really shouldn't.

My name is Kate. (Hi Kate!) I am a junk food junkie.

Today I went to Annapolis (about 20 minutes from my house) to go to the Cheesecake Factory. I ordered two pieces of cheesecake to go. I didn't eat it all but regardless, I shouldn't have eaten any of it. Sigh....I'm going to the gym this week. And no more cheesecake!


Brooke said...

Hi I'm Brooke("Hi Brooke"), I too am a junk food junkie!! hehe. I hope you get back to normal ASAP and get your sticky bean! When can you try again?

M said...

Hugs for you sweetie!
How horrible that you had to take the 'abortion pill'. Yuck.

Hope you get back to normal (at least physically) very very soon.

Thinking of you!


Kelli said...

Been thinking of you....

Yum! Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake. Have a piece for me (trying to lose about 20lbs). And I need to belong to your junk food support group~~~since I've been home (SAHM) all I ever seem to do is want to eat crappy stuff...I swear those brownies just call my name!! :)