Monday, June 23, 2008

Break time is over!

Hello, My Love,

It's been too long since I've written you last. I haven't forgotten about you, I just needed a mental break from everything baby related. I think that this month will be a productive month for your father and I and we are ready to try again. Your dad is going to the urologist on Wednesday and I hope they have some answers for him. He's been taking some vitamins that my doctor recommended and he says that he's noticed a difference.

I am starting a new job next Monday and I'm really excited about it. I have decided to take a step back from the position I currently hold. Right now I am the director of a large preschool which means lots of responsibilities and usually lots of stress. Lately I just don't have it in me to do my job. I miss being a teacher. I miss working with the kids in the classroom. So, I've found a place close to home and I could even ride my bike if I wanted. It has better benefits and although the pay is less I think with the benefits and the savings on gas it will all even out. So, starting Monday I am a teacher again.


Yo said...

You go girl! I'm so happy/proud of you for your new job and I'm so hoping that we keep our little message board BFP hot streak going strong - if it goes my way, you'll get your BFP this cycle! Nice to read your posts, you sound happy! Love and sticky baby dust to you! xoxo Yo!

M said...

Yay!! Missed your blogging! Congrat's on the new job and I have my fingers crossed you guys will get some answers tomorrow!

Best of luck!
